Burn Overview
Staking Burn 1 – 50% Staking
Total: 500.000 COME
(Burn at all 100.000 COME)
204.996 COME
200.000 COME
Staking Burn 2 – 25% Staking
Total: 2.000.000 COME
(Burn at all 100.000 COME)
212.908 COME
200.000 COME
Quarterly Burn 2021
Total: 10.000.000 COME – per Year
Quarter 1 / 2.500.000
Quarter 2 / 2.500.000
Quarter 3 / 2.500.000
Quarter 4 / 2.500.000
Burned coin, total to 31.12.2021:
10.400.100 COME out of 100.000.000 COME
Total number of existing COME coins:
89.599.900 COME
Die COME werden natürlich in der offiziellen Blackhole Adresse von Tron vernichtet.
(siehe den Link unten zur Kontrolle)
The COME will of course be destroyed at Tron’s official Blackhole address.
(see the link below for control)
Blackhole Address TRX Blockchain