Info bei Telegram „Burning“
Staking Burn und Quarter Burn
Burn Overview
🔥Staking Burn 1 – 50% Staking
Total: 500.000 COME
(at all 100.000 COME)
🛠 98.579 COME / 0 COME🔥
🔥Staking Burn 2 – 25% Staking
Total: 2.000.000 COME
(at all 100.000 COME)
🛠 78.296 COME / 0 COME“ class=“emoji“>🔥
<img src=Quarterly Burn 2021
Total: 10.000.000 COME – per Year
✅Quarter 1 / 2.500.000🔥
✅Quarter 2 / 2.500.000🔥
🛠Quarter 3 / 2.500.000
🛠Quarter 4 / 2.500.000
🔥Burned coin, total to 18.08.2021:
🔥5.000.000 COME out of 100.000.000 COME
Total number of existing COME coins:
95.000.000 COME
🚨Die COME werden natürlich in der offiziellen Blackhole Adresse von Tron vernichtet.
(siehe den Link unten zur Kontrolle)
🌍The COME will of course be in the official Blackhole address destroyed by Tron.
(see the link below for control)
Blackhole Address TRX Blockchain